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Reviewed By Patient Coordinator Mim Dickens
Last updated 01/01/2000

created by Reviewed By Patient Coordinator Mim Dickens
Last updated 01/01/01

As the summer season approaches, the thought of enjoying it can be overwhelming for those who have undergone bariatric surgery. If this is one of your first summers after surgery, here are some times to help you embrace the warmer days ahead.

Tips: Enjoying summer after weight loss surgery


Have you noticed yet?

The weather here in the UK is getting warmer! 

Hopefully this hasn't just jinxed it

But as the time for summer holidays abroad approaches, it can be overwhelming for those of us who have recently undergone weight loss surgery.

So if this is going to be one of your first summers - either as a bariatric patient or your first summer abroad post surgery-  then we've got you covered with some advice to help you embrace the joyful season.

Because we understand the challenges you may face during this season and we want to ensure that you have an enjoyable and anxiety-free summer while maintaining your weight loss goals.

So let's start with the obvious one...

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1. Stay hydrated with water

During the summer heat, it’s crucial to stay hydrated to avoid dehydration. 

Drinking plenty of water throughout the day is essential for your overall health and well-being. However, it’s important to steer clear of fizzy drinks as they can be high in calories and the carbonation can cause stomach expansion. 

Make water your primary beverage choice and carry a water bottle with you to stay hydrated wherever you go.

2. Exercise wisely

Exercising is an integral part of your weight loss journey, and summer shouldn’t hinder your routine. 

Beat the heat by exercising early in the morning or late at night when temperatures are cooler. This way, you can avoid peak temperatures and reduce the risk of heat-related illnesses. 

If outdoor workouts aren’t possible due to extreme weather, consider exercising indoors. Join a gym, take part in fitness classes, or find online workout resources that suit your needs.

1. Stay hydrated with water

During the summer heat, it’s crucial to stay hydrated to avoid dehydration. 

Drinking plenty of water throughout the day is essential for your overall health and well-being. However, it’s important to steer clear of fizzy drinks as they can be high in calories and the carbonation can cause stomach expansion. 

Make water your primary beverage choice and carry a water bottle with you to stay hydrated wherever you go.

2. Exercise wisely

Exercising is an integral part of your weight loss journey, and summer shouldn’t hinder your routine. 

Beat the heat by exercising early in the morning or late at night when temperatures are cooler. This way, you can avoid peak temperatures and reduce the risk of heat-related illnesses. 

If outdoor workouts aren’t possible due to extreme weather, consider exercising indoors. Join a gym, take part in fitness classes, or find online workout resources that suit your needs.

Considering weight loss surgery this year? Find out if you’re eligible and start your journey to a healthier you.

3. Discover new summer snacks

Summer brings an abundance of fresh fruits that can be turned into delicious and healthy treats. 

Our Bariatric Nutritionist Guna, recommends fresh fruit ice lollies as a refreshing summer snack. 

Blend your favourite fruits, such as watermelon, berries, or citrus fruits, with some water or low-calorie juice. Pour the mixture into ice lolly moulds and freeze them for a guilt-free and satisfying treat.

Bariatric patient James loves his “cheeseburger salad” – chopped cheeseburger topped with crispy lettuce, or wrap the lettuce leaf around the burger so you don’t feel left out at BBQs.

For dessert? Jessica loves 150g of fat free Greek yoghurt mixed with 2 scoops of Mars or Snickers protein powder, a dash of milk, and mixed in chopped nuts. 

Pop it in a tub and freeze for 2-3 hours. This is a lovely Ice cream and helps with protein.

For more summer snacks ideas from other bariatric patients, head over to the facebook group and ask for recommendations!

4. Take it day by day

Embarking on a weight loss journey can be both exciting and challenging. 

As you experience new things during the summer, it’s essential to take it day by day and avoid overwhelming yourself. 

Remember, you are working towards a happier and healthier life, and each step forward is a victory. 

Embrace the opportunities that come your way while staying mindful of your goals. Celebrate your progress and be proud of yourself.

As summer approaches, the team at Weight Loss Riga wants to ensure that you have an enjoyable and successful season after your weight loss surgery. 

By following these tips, you can make the most of this exciting time while maintaining a healthy lifestyle. 

If you find yourself struggling or have any questions, our dedicated aftercare team is here to support you every step of the way.

Remember, your journey to lasting weight loss success continues, and Weight Loss Riga is here to help you thrive.

Enjoy your summer and embrace the new experiences that lie ahead!

A healthy snack recipe to try 

4 ingredient home-made energy balls


  • 50g dried apricots
  • 160g pitted dates
  • 70g nuts (of any kind)
  • 2 tbsp cacao powder


  • Melted dark chocolate for coating
  • 1 handful of desiccated coconut for coating


  1. Add the nuts into a food processor and blitz until crumbled before adding the dates and apricots. Blend until combined then add the cocoa.⁣
  2. Roll up golf-ball sized amounts of the mixture, before rolling in desiccated coconut (optional) and placing on a plate covered in grease proof paper, store in the fridge.⁣
  3. If coating in melted chocolate, leave to set for a couple of hours before coating, and then set in the fridge for a further 2 hours.⁣
  4. Store in the fridge/freezer and enjoy for a tasty & satisfying snack!

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