Gastric Bypass in Latvia - description, costs, reviews!

The gastric bypass produces reliable results with minimal side effects and carries what most doctors and patients consider to be acceptable risks.



It’s a common form of weight loss or “bariatric” surgery. It produces reliable results with minimal side effects and carries what most doctors and patients consider to be acceptable risks. Gastric bypass history goes back more than half a century and as such there are no mysteries attached to it for either the surgeon or the patient.


During this type of bariatric surgery a large section of the stomach is literally stapled off creating a tiny pouch which will serve as the new stomach. This is then connected to the small intestine. As a result patients are unable to eat as much as they did previously because the new, smaller stomach simply can’t handle it and after just a small amount of food they feel full. Bypassing the bulk of the stomach in this manner creates a situation where some of the nutrients in food are not properly absorbed and the patient loses weight.

While gastric bypass has become a commonplace procedure, it is not one without risks (which we will get into shortly) nor is it a quick fix weight loss solution. It entails a lifetime commitment to eating better, taking the prescribed supplemental vitamins and minerals and avoiding things like fatty foods and sweets.

  • Significant weight loss
  • Relief of health risks associated with obesity
  • Increased life expectancy
  • Lower overall surgical impact
  • Higher degree of overall health
  • Financial benefits



Benefits of a Gastric Bypass

Those wondering “what is gastric bypass and what are the benefits” can rest assured those benefits are real and quantifiable and have been shown through decades of experience to be long lasting and sustainable, which is the reason why this surgery has become so popular.

checkBecause the capacity of the stomach is reduced so drastically, the patient simply can’t consume anything like the volume of food they did previously.

checkPatients of a gastric bypass lose weight quickly and they’re able to get used to eating less due the nature of the surgery’s reduction of the size of the stomach.

checkIt’s not unheard of for patients to lose as much as 50% of their body weight within the first year following surgery.

checkPatients need to keep in mind though that in order for this weight loss to become permanent, they will need to commit to positive dietary and lifestyle changes.

checkDiet and exercise is critical in order to continue losing weight and keeping it off after a gastric bypass. These lifestyle changes ensure your success.

checkAt Weight Loss Riga, our experienced, friendly medical staff make you feel safe and comfortable. Contact us for questions about your procedure.

Baltic Pictures WEB 3592 300x200Obesity carries with it a number of serious, potentially life-threatening conditions including heart disease, diabetes, hypertension and a variety of sleep disorders. The weight loss associated with gastric bypass surgery can eliminate or, at the very least, significantly reduce the threat posed by these co-morbidities. Beyond simple cosmetic benefits this is perhaps the most compelling reason to undergo bariatric surgery.


  • Remission of Type 2 diabetes
  • Help with high blood pressure
  • Help with heart disease
  • Sleep apnea
  • Improved cardiovascular health
  • Relief of depression
  • Joint pain relief
  • Improve fertility
  • Alleviate other medical conditions

reception 300x200By reducing or eliminating a rash of serious health conditions associated with obesity, this type of bariatric surgery can actually result in a significant increase in life expectancy for those who commit to the necessary dietary and lifestyle changes required. At the same time, daily quality of life is also significantly enhanced so one typically lives better for longer in the wake of this type of surgery.

20160418 0002 300x200In most cases the gastric bypass operation is performed laparoscopically. Laparoscopic surgery (also known as “minimally invasive surgery” (MIS) “keyhole surgery” or even “bandaid surgery”) is a form of surgery that does not require a wholesale opening up of the body cavity. Instead, smaller incisions are made and surgery is performed with the help of a tiny video camera which provides the surgeon a clear, close up view of the affected area. In most cases, pain and hemorrhaging are significantly reduced by laparoscopic surgery and recovery times are far shorter than those associated with “open” surgical procedures. Gastric bypass scars produced by laparoscopy are also far smaller than those produced by open surgery.

20160418 0002 300x200As we mentioned, obese individuals who undergo this type of surgery typically experience a higher quality of life afterwards. They are able to move around with ease, engage in outdoor activities that might have been impossible for them prior to surgery, and they are also free of the stigma that comes with perhaps needing a mobility scooter to get around or taking up 2 seats on a bus or plane. Stress on the skeletal system in general and joints in particular is also greatly reduced.

20160418 0002 300x200One lesser discussed benefit of bariatric procedures is the potential financial benefit. Eating just a fraction of what one ate previously can result in significant savings at the supermarket. Being in better health will likely result in one being more productive at their job and increase their earning potential. Patients won’t need mobility assistance devices either. In addition, being lighter and in better overall health should result in fewer trips to the doctor or emergency room. It’s also possible that a patient’s insurance company may cover part or even all of the cost of the surgery itself and it may also be easier to obtain health and life insurance at reasonable rates following this type of surgery.


checkBecause the capacity of the stomach is reduced so drastically, the patient simply can’t consume anything like the volume of food they did previously.


checkPatients of a gastric bypass lose weight quickly and they’re able to get used to eating less due the nature of the surgery’s reduction of the size of the stomach.


checkIt’s not unheard of for patients to lose as much as 50% of their body weight within the first year following surgery.


checkPatients need to keep in mind though that in order for this weight loss to become permanent, they will need to commit to positive dietary and lifestyle changes.


checkDiet and exercise is critical in order to continue losing weight and keeping it off after a gastric bypass. These lifestyle changes ensure your success.


checkAt Weight Loss Riga, our experienced, friendly medical staff make you feel safe and comfortable. Contact us for questions about your procedure.

Mim Dickens
Mim DickensPatient

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Weight: St Weight: lbs Height: Ft Height: in


BMI Range
Gastriс Sleeve    BMI 30+
Mini Gastric Bypass    BMI 35+
Gastric Bypass    BMI 35+

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Risks of a Gastric Bypass

Gastric bypass surgery is just that, surgery. As such, it carries well known risks. Most of these risks fall into the “acceptable” category for both patients and doctors, although some of them are potentially quite serious. While the vast majority of people who undergo this type of procedure experience no significant side effects or complications, side effects and complications are a possibility. Therefore It’s important that you understand the risks involved before deciding to undergo a gastric bypass surgery procedure.

checkThere is a less than 1% chance that a patient may experience pulmonary embolism.

checkPulmonary embolism occurs when a substance travels through the veins into the lungs, where it creates a blockage.

checkSymptoms include chest pain and shortness of breath.

Baltic Pictures WEB 3592 300x200In a small number of cases, there may be leakage of fluid into the abdominal cavity with infection being a common result. Antibiotics are often effective in alleviating symptoms although if the leakage is significant it may have to be addressed surgically.

reception 300x200In a small percentage of cases, ulcers will form on the anastomosis of the intestine. In most cases, the condition can be effectively treated with dietary adjustments or medication.

20160418 0002 300x200Internal scarring is a risk with any type of surgery and that’s certainly the case with bariatric procedures. In a small number of cases scars can develop during the postoperative period that result in a narrowing of the intestinal tract. This narrowing can make it difficult for liquids to pass, which can cause significant discomfort and become a serious issue if left untreated. Thankfully, a fairly routine gastro-endoscopic procedure can usually correct the problem.

20160418 0002 300x200process nutrients to the same degree of effectiveness as it was previously. As a result, patients typically need to supplement their diet with a number of different vitamins and minerals and may need to do so regularly for many years. Most long term complications are the result of patients failing to take vitamins post gastric bypass, either because they forget or simply aren’t convinced of the medical necessity.

20160418 0002 300x200Gastric dumping happens when food passes too quickly from the stomach into the small intestine. Dumping syndrome, as it’s also known, can cause mild to severe diarrhea and/or abdominal cramps shortly after eating. Since most of the time dumping is caused by sugary foods, it can be prevented by alterations in your gastric bypass diet.

20160418 0002 300x200While it is extremely rare, there have been isolated cases where patients have died during or after the procedure. Although this has never happened at Weight Loss Riga, virtually any type of major surgery presents risk.


checkThere is a less than 1% chance that a patient may experience pulmonary embolism.


checkPulmonary embolism occurs when a substance travels through the veins into the lungs, where it creates a blockage.


checkSymptoms include chest pain and shortness of breath.



While the gastric bypass procedure is a common form of bariatric or weight loss surgery, it’s not for everyone. As we discussed above, it brings with it an array of possible side effects, complications and general health risks. In addition, it’s not like an appendectomy where, after a brief recovery period, the patient is free to resume their normal life. Bariatric procedures require the patient to adapt a completely new lifestyle if it is to be considered successful in the long run. Many are sufficiently motivated to do so, while others are not.



This type of bariatric procedure can produce life-altering results. About that the record is clear. But while this type of weight loss surgery can indeed lead to a better, longer, healthier life free of the threat of high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, sleep disorders and more, it can also lead to significant complications, particularly if the patient is not able to muster the commitment necessary to the formulation of new dietary and lifestyle habits. Because of the potential downside, it’s crucial that doctors carefully screen prospective candidates in order to make sure the people chosen stand a reasonable chance of becoming gastric bypass success stories.

In the most general terms you may qualify for this type of gastric surgery if you:

• Possess a body mass index (BMI) of 35 or greater.

• Have tried repeatedly with little or no success to lose weight through traditional diet and exercise programs.

• You have a BMI of greater than 30 and you are experiencing serious health problems directly related to your weight. These may include sleep apnea, high blood pressure and diabetes.

• You have gone through puberty but are still a teenager, you have a BMI of 30 or more and you are experiencing serious health issues related to your weight such as type 2 diabetes.




If you meet the above guidelines and have decided to pursue gastric bypass surgery abroad, you will need to either call the clinic in question or complete an enquiry form on their website. A Patient Coordinator will then ring you up to discuss options. The Patient Coordinator in such cases is a vital link between the patient and the medical team both in the lead up to, and the aftermath of, surgery. Once the Patient Coordinator has finished the initial phone evaluation all necessary documents will be emailed to you along with a health questionnaire. It’s crucial that you fill out this questionnaire to the best of your ability. If you have any questions you should feel free to contact the Patient Coordinator who will be happy to assist you.

Once your health questionnaire has been completed and sent to the clinic it will be thoroughly reviewed by the medical team. The doctors will then determine your suitability for the gastric bypass procedure. Once the doctors have confirmed your suitability it will be time to proceed to the next phase of evaluation which will commence upon your arrival at the clinic.



Upon arrival you will have a private consultation with both the surgeon who will be performing the procedure as well as the anesthetist. A series of tests will be administered in order to ensure you are physically prepared to undergo gastric bypass. The preoperative test regimen is composed of the following:

  • A complete chemistry panel.
  • A glucose tolerance test looking for signs of diabetes.
  • A complete blood count.
  • An Electrocardiogram or ECG.
  • Lung X-rays.
  • An ultrasound examination of the abdomen, liver, kidneys, spleen and gallbladder.
  • A gastroscopy using a miniature camera.

In the extremely unlikely event a previously unknown health condition such as an ulcer is revealed by the preoperative tests the doctor may recommend postponing the procedure for a few weeks in order to cure the condition. The surgeon will then perform another gastroscopy or other appropriate procedure to verify the situation has been cleared up so that surgery can proceed.

While there is no specific age before or after which a person is forbidden to undergo the gastric bypass surgery procedure it’s only fairly recently that it has come to be considered safe for both seniors and teenagers. As such these individuals may need to endure closer scrutiny before the procedure is approved for them.



Gastric bypass cost may present significant financial hurdles a patient has difficulty clearing. It’s possible that your health insurance plan may cover some or even all of the cost of this type of weight loss surgery, but you will need to be sure you have pre-approval from the insurer prior to surgery. The same goes for any other type of medical assistance program. In order to receive pre-approval, members of the evaluation team will need to sign off on the notion that this procedure is not only justified but necessary from a medical standpoint.

At the same time, different insurers may impose different standards of proof before they’ll be willing to pre-approve the gastric bypass cost for UK residents. Some, in fact, simply won’t cover it at all. If that is the case with your insurance company, the sooner you find out the better so that you can make alternative arrangements. Those arrangements may include seeking assistance from relatives or paying for most or all of the procedure out of your own pocket. Again, the gastric bypass price can be substantial, so it’s crucial to have the financial aspect straightened out as early in the process.




While there is little doubt that gastric bypass surgery is more than worth the expense for most people who undergo it, paying for the procedure can still represent a significant obstacle. As we’ve seen, different insurance companies may impose different burdens of proof regarding whether the surgery was necessary, with some simply refusing to even consider covering it. With the cost of a gastric bypass running some £12,000 - £15,000 in London these days how, then, is one supposed to pay for it if the insurance company won’t help? The answer is “By having the procedure in Riga”.

Compared to London, the cost of having your gastric bypass at Weight Loss Riga is more than £7,000 less on average. But before you start thinking the difference will be made up with what you spend on airfare and accommodations do a quick Internet search of airfares. You’ll find they can be had for less that £150 (as of this writing). And when it comes to accommodations the cost of your ultra-modern room in our clinic is included in the Weight Loss Riga price. So the notion that you’re going to pay the same either way is simply not true. Not even close.



£4980 Procedure
  • Airport, hotel, hospital transfer
  • 1 night hotel accommodation
  • 4 day stay at hospital
  • Blood samples & x-rays
  • Gastroscopy
  • 5 year follow up


£4980 Procedure
  • Airport, hotel, hospital transfer
  • 1 night hotel accommodation
  • 4 day stay at hospital
  • Blood samples & x-rays
  • Gastroscopy
  • 5 year follow up



It’s important to keep a number of things in mind when it comes to this type of weight loss surgery. Perhaps primary among them is the fact that this is not a miracle cure that is going to solve all your problems and deliver you a worry free life. There is no guarantee that you’ll lose as much weight as you hope and, if you are not diligent in following the recommendations of your doctor, you will likely have trouble keeping the weight off in the long term. Failure to comply with postoperative lifestyle and dietary changes may also lead to very unpleasant or downright dangerous complications.

All that said, if you’ve jumped all the evaluation hurdles, made sure your financial ducks are in a row and undergone the procedure, it is now time to deal with the aftermath.



It’s important to keep a number of things in mind when it comes to this type of weight loss surgery. Perhaps primary among them is the fact that this is not a miracle cure that is going to solve all your problems and deliver you a worry free life. There is no guarantee that you’ll lose as much weight as you hope and, if you are not diligent in following the recommendations of your doctor, you will likely have trouble keeping the weight off in the long term. Failure to comply with postoperative lifestyle and dietary changes may also lead to very unpleasant or downright dangerous complications.

All that said, if you’ve jumped all the evaluation hurdles, made sure your financial ducks are in a row and now that you’ve undergone the procedure, it is now time to deal with the aftermath.


While there may be gastric bypass diet recipes involved at some point, this is more than a type of imposed dieting, it is a sea change in your relationship to food, your relationship to the world and your relationship to yourself. It’s not something you can set aside and try again when you’re in the mood like a fad diet. It will require a lifetime commitment to healthy eating, exercise and the taking of essential supplements, among other things.


You’ll want to develop interests in your life that will allow you to shift the focus away from food. There are any number of things that will allow you to do this, while also allowing you to express yourself creatively such as drawing and painting, swimming, low impact athletics, taking night courses and traveling.


We just mentioned low impact athletics, but it bears expanding on. In most cases, those who show the best long term results are those who incorporate exercise into their daily routine. Remember that you don’t have to start by deadlifting 500 pounds. Start simple by walking and gradually build upon that. Taking the stairs is a great way to get and stay in shape, while thai chi will allow you to gain flexibility and balance while building strength through your core.


Chances are you were required to seek some form of counseling prior to surgery as part of the evaluation process. There’s really no good reason to give it up after surgery. Counseling can help you deal more effectively with the emotional challenges that lie ahead and keep you on the right path so that you’re not tempted to sabotage yourself by abandoning supplements or veering from your recommended diet.


There are more people out there that are going through what you’re going through than you know. Join Weight Loss Riga’s patient community on Facebook. Statistics show that people who join support groups have a higher long term success rate than those who try and go it alone. Join our support group today and engage with real patients!


At Weight Loss Riga, we are available for the following 5 years after your operation. We’ll answer questions and help you stay on the right path. Call us anytime, before and after your surgery. Our goal is that even after your surgery is complete, you continue to stay happy and healthy with a nutritious lifestyle that helps you keep the weight off.



While we covered the potential risks above we need to take a closer look at some of the more dangerous potential health problems that can occur in the wake of gastric surgery. While these risks sometimes be avoided or prevented, we always allow our patients the benefits of knowing what risks are involved in any weight loss surgery.


This is probably the most common health problem that befalls those who have undergone weight loss surgery. It occurs because the newer, smaller stomach is no longer able to glean all the nutrients from food that it used to. This malabsorption phenomenon can lead to critical shortages of crucial vitamins and minerals which, if left unchecked, can cause a rash of problems ranging from nuisance level to deadly serious. Anaemia, osteoporosis, cognitive deficits, shortness of breath, lack of energy, vision problems and more are all on the table for those who fail to take supplemental vitamins and minerals. No, it’s not easy to get and stay in the habit of taking supplements each day but it must be done if you’re to enjoy the long term benefits of the gastric bypass procedure.


While it’s not common malnutrition in the wake of weight loss surgery does sometimes occur and when it does it can be a significant issue. In some cases malnutrition becomes an issue because the passage between the new, smaller stomach and the intestinal bypass connected during surgery is too small. As it is, someone who has undergone this type of bariatric surgery is already constrained regarding how much they can eat. If a further constraint is introduced unwittingly things can get complicated quickly. In other cases malnutrition may arise because the patient has neglected to take the required vitamin and mineral supplements. In either case it’s a situation that needs to be addressed quickly and effectively.


Patients who have undergone gastric bypass sometimes undermine themselves and sabotage their weight loss efforts by eating too frequently. They’ll cook a large dinner for themselves, eat until they’re full, wait a short time and then come back and eat more; repeating the process until all the food is gone. Essentially they go from eating big meals in single settings before the surgery to eating the same amount after surgery but spreading it out over the course of the day. No good will come from this practice. All this eating, even when done in small increments, will also have the effect of stretching out the stomach so that gradually the amount that can be eaten gets larger and larger.


You need to consider new healthy habits regarding food possibly starting with a gastric bypass pre op diet. It also indicates that continual counseling for postoperative patients is a good idea in order to reinforce motivation and stay mindful of subtle tricks one may play with oneself. Not all postoperative overeating is necessarily the fault of the patient however. It’s possible there may be some mechanical issues involved left over from the surgery itself.


It’s extremely rare but still possible that the new smaller stomach pouch may have found a way to reconnect to the larger stomach that was stapled off. If this is the case it may take longer for the patient to feel satiated resulting in their eating more food than they should.


While a too small connection between the new stomach and the small intestine bypass can lead to malnutrition, too large a connection can lead to unexpected weight gain. This issue as well as the reconnection problem just described, can usually be fixed rather easily via a simple surgical procedure.

Is there a difference between being obese and just being overweight?

To be considered “overweight” a person just needs to weigh more than what is considered healthy for their height. In general terms a person would be considered overweight if their body mass index (BMI) was between 25 and 29.9. A person with a BMI greater than 30 is technically considered “obese”. While someone with a BMI between 35 and 39.9 is considered severely obese and someone whose body mass index exceeds 40 is considered morbidly obese. So the short answer to the question of whether there is a difference between “overweight” and “obese” is “yes”.

What is the BMI?
Is there a gastric bypass surgery age limit?
What tests will I have to undergo before surgery?
What is a “GI evaluation" and why do I need it?
Will you conduct a psychiatric evaluation?
Is laparoscopic surgery safe?
How long does gastric surgery take?
Will I be in a lot of pain afterward?
Will I be in hospital long?
How long before I can walk after surgery?
Will I have a drain after surgery?
Can I drink alcohol after gastric bypass surgery?
How to prevent sagging skin after gastric bypass?
Can I drive myself home from the hospital?
What are the foods you can't eat after gastric bypass surgery?
What type of doctor does gastric bypass?
Do I have to avoid dairy products?
Can I snack between meals?
Will I have to drink a ton of water?
Will I have to become an exercise freak?

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