Gastric Sleeve Abroad: Costs, Reviews, Benefits in Latvia

The sleeve gastrectomy success rate is excellent with less than 5% of patients regaining even a small portion of the weight they lost after the surgery.



Sleeve gastrectomy, more commonly known as gastric sleeve surgery or GSS, evolved from a number of earlier procedures and is today at the forefront of anti-obesity surgical treatments. Fortunately the success rate for this surgery is excellent with less than 5% of patients regaining even a small portion of the weight they lost in the wake of their surgery. Still, people have questions about just what is sleeve gastrectomy.


During GSS the surgeon removes approximately 75-80% of the patient’s stomach. This drastic change is made to the digestive system in order to facilitate weight loss in the patient who has been unsuccessful at losing weight by other means. By reducing the size of the stomach the amount a person can eat at any one time is also reduced as is the absorption of nutrients. In addition food moves faster through the drastically smaller stomach and there is a substantial reduction in the number of gut hormones released, which means you feel full for longer periods and won’t typically be tempted to snack between meals. In more than 95% of all cases the patient loses virtually all of their excess weight and is able to keep it off over the long term, essentially providing a new lease on life for the formerly obese person.

  • Significant weight loss
  • Relief of health risks associated with obesity
  • Higher quality of life
  • Greater self-confidence
  • Better quality of sleep



Benefits of Sleeve Gastrectomy

People sometimes get confused and think there are several sleeve gastrectomy types. There aren’t. There are 3 types of gastrectomy surgery but only one is the “sleeve” type – GSS – and that’s what we are focusing on here..

checkAs we mentioned at the outset it is the other conditions that arise as a result of obesity that pose the most serious risk to the patient. Unless the obese person is able to reduce their weight by a substantial degree those weight related conditions could ultimately prove fatal. Many obese persons suffer from hypertension, respiratory conditions, type 2 diabetes and heart problems. In addition every 100 pounds of excess weight a person carries puts an estimated 400 pounds of additional pressure on the hip, knee and ankle joints when walking. As a result obese persons are commonly faced with serious mobility issues as well which only serves to make matters worse. In the aftermath of GSS patients typically gain a measure of control over these serious conditions. Those afflicted with Type 2 diabetes often see a stabilization of and return to normal blood sugar levels. Those who had been contemplating knee or hip replacement are often able to find effective treatments that won’t require replacing these vital joints. The threat of heart attacks is also reduced, respiratory conditions typically ease and, because mobility is restored, the patient is able to exercise and achieve a far higher degree of overall health.


  • Remission of Type 2 diabetes
  • Help with high blood pressure
  • Help with heart disease
  • Sleep apnea
  • Improved cardiovascular health
  • Relief of depression
  • Joint pain relief
  • Improve fertility
  • Alleviate other medical conditions

christine palmerObese individuals typically lead fairly sedentary lifestyles and often find themselves isolated from the kind of normal social interactions and activities the rest of us take for granted. These activities and interactions help us maintain good physical and mental health and a positive outlook about our life and prospects. Obese individuals by contrast are sidelined by their condition and often wind up suffering from depression. Various studies have shown a direct correlation between significant weight loss and a vastly improved quality of life. The person is no longer denied the ability to participate in normal healthy activities, spends less time indoors by themselves and, as noted above, is often freed from the odious consequences of conditions that were related to their obesity.

christine palmerObese individuals are often painfully aware of prying eyes and hear the judgmental whispers of those around them. Even the strongest among them is not immune to the negative effects on self-confidence and self-esteem that can result. But the effects on self-confidence are not simply a result of negative social interactions, there is ample evidence that being overweight can increase the amount of the stress-related hormone cortisol in the system and that losing weight has the opposite effect. In addition, depression is typically one of the most common side effects of obesity but numerous clinical studies show that obese individuals who lose significant amounts of weight and keep it off suffer fewer symptoms of depression. Finally, the positive effects on mood and self-confidence that stem from significant weight loss have a cascading effect on the individual’s overall outlook. This enables them to stick more effectively to long term diet and exercise regimens.

christine palmerOne of the little discussed effects of weight loss from GSS is that of improved sleep. Obese individuals often suffer from sleep apnea, insomnia, interrupted sleep, inconsistent sleep patterns and overall fatigue at all hours of the day. A variety of control studies showed that significant weight loss is able to reduce or eliminate sleep apnoea, allow patients to sleep longer without interruption, reduce instances of insomnia and produce higher levels of awareness and vitality during the day. In general the more weight an obese individual loses the better they will sleep.


checkAs we mentioned at the outset it is the other conditions that arise as a result of obesity that pose the most serious risk to the patient. Unless the obese person is able to reduce their weight by a substantial degree those weight related conditions could ultimately prove fatal. Many obese persons suffer from hypertension, respiratory conditions, type 2 diabetes and heart problems. In addition every 100 pounds of excess weight a person carries puts an estimated 400 pounds of additional pressure on the hip, knee and ankle joints when walking. As a result obese persons are commonly faced with serious mobility issues as well which only serves to make matters worse. In the aftermath of GSS patients typically gain a measure of control over these serious conditions. Those afflicted with Type 2 diabetes often see a stabilization of and return to normal blood sugar levels. Those who had been contemplating knee or hip replacement are often able to find effective treatments that won’t require replacing these vital joints. The threat of heart attacks is also reduced, respiratory conditions typically ease and, because mobility is restored, the patient is able to exercise and achieve a far higher degree of overall health.

  • Remission of Type 2 diabetes
  • Help with high blood pressure
  • Help with heart disease
  • Sleep apnea
  • Improved cardiovascular health
  • Relief of depression
  • Joint pain relief
  • Improve fertility
  • Alleviate other medical conditions