Gastric Bypass Abroad in Latvia – Affordable Costs, Reviews, and More

The gastric bypass produces reliable results with minimal side effects and carries what most doctors and patients consider to be acceptable risks.



It’s a common form of weight loss or “bariatric” surgery. It produces reliable results with minimal side effects and carries what most doctors and patients consider to be acceptable risks. Gastric bypass history goes back more than half a century and as such there are no mysteries attached to it for either the surgeon or the patient.


During this type of bariatric surgery a large section of the stomach is literally stapled off creating a tiny pouch which will serve as the new stomach. This is then connected to the small intestine. As a result patients are unable to eat as much as they did previously because the new, smaller stomach simply can’t handle it and after just a small amount of food they feel full. Bypassing the bulk of the stomach in this manner creates a situation where some of the nutrients in food are not properly absorbed and the patient loses weight.

While gastric bypass has become a commonplace procedure, it is not one without risks (which we will get into shortly) nor is it a quick fix weight loss solution. It entails a lifetime commitment to eating better, taking the prescribed supplemental vitamins and minerals and avoiding things like fatty foods and sweets.

  • Significant weight loss
  • Relief of health risks associated with obesity
  • Increased life expectancy
  • Lower overall surgical impact
  • Higher degree of overall health
  • Financial benefits



Benefits of a Gastric Bypass

Those wondering “what is gastric bypass and what are the benefits” can rest assured those benefits are real and quantifiable and have been shown through decades of experience to be long lasting and sustainable, which is the reason why this surgery has become so popular.

checkBecause the capacity of the stomach is reduced so drastically, the patient simply can’t consume anything like the volume of food they did previously.

checkPatients of a gastric bypass lose weight quickly and they’re able to get used to eating less due the nature of the surgery’s reduction of the size of the stomach.

checkIt’s not unheard of for patients to lose as much as 50% of their body weight within the first year following surgery.

checkPatients need to keep in mind though that in order for this weight loss to become permanent, they will need to commit to positive dietary and lifestyle changes.

checkDiet and exercise is critical in order to continue losing weight and keeping it off after a gastric bypass. These lifestyle changes ensure your success.

checkAt Weight Loss Riga, our experienced, friendly medical staff make you feel safe and comfortable. Contact us for questions about your procedure.

Baltic Pictures WEB 3592 300x200Obesity carries with it a number of serious, potentially life-threatening conditions including heart disease, diabetes, hypertension and a variety of sleep disorders. The weight loss associated with gastric bypass surgery can eliminate or, at the very least, significantly reduce the threat posed by these co-morbidities. Beyond simple cosmetic benefits this is perhaps the most compelling reason to undergo bariatric surgery.


  • Remission of Type 2 diabetes
  • Help with high blood pressure
  • Help with heart disease
  • Sleep apnea
  • Improved cardiovascular health
  • Relief of depression
  • Joint pain relief
  • Improve fertility
  • Alleviate other medical conditions

Benefits of Gastric Bypass by Weightloss Riga AbroadBy reducing or eliminating a rash of serious health conditions associated with obesity, this type of bariatric surgery can actually result in a significant increase in life expectancy for those who commit to the necessary dietary and lifestyle changes required. At the same time, daily quality of life is also significantly enhanced so one typically lives better for longer in the wake of this type of surgery.

Weight Loss Riga is the Best Gastric Bypass Surgery AbroadIn most cases the gastric bypass operation is performed laparoscopically. Laparoscopic surgery (also known as “minimally invasive surgery” (MIS) “keyhole surgery” or even “bandaid surgery”) is a form of surgery that does not require a wholesale opening up of the body cavity. Instead, smaller incisions are made and surgery is performed with the help of a tiny video camera which provides the surgeon a clear, close up view of the affected area. In most cases, pain and hemorrhaging are significantly reduced by laparoscopic surgery and recovery times are far shorter than those associated with “open” surgical procedures. Gastric bypass scars produced by laparoscopy are also far smaller than those produced by open surgery.

Gastric Sleeve Before and After 3 MonthsAs we mentioned, obese individuals who undergo this type of surgery typically experience a higher quality of life afterwards. They are able to move around with ease, engage in outdoor activities that might have been impossible for them prior to surgery, and they are also free of the stigma that comes with perhaps needing a mobility scooter to get around or taking up 2 seats on a bus or plane. Stress on the skeletal system in general and joints in particular is also greatly reduced.

Price of Gastric Band Abroad with Weight Loss RigaOne lesser discussed benefit of bariatric procedures is the potential financial benefit. Eating just a fraction of what one ate previously can result in significant savings at the supermarket. Being in better health will likely result in one being more productive at their job and increase their earning potential. Patients won’t need mobility assistance devices either. In addition, being lighter and in better overall health should result in fewer trips to the doctor or emergency room. It’s also possible that a patient’s insurance company may cover part or even all of the cost of the surgery itself and it may also be easier to obtain health and life insurance at reasonable rates following this type of surgery.


checkBecause the capacity of the stomach is reduced so drastically, the patient simply can’t consume anything like the volume of food they did previously.


checkPatients of a gastric bypass lose weight quickly and they’re able to get used to eating less due the nature of the surgery’s reduction of the size of the stomach.


checkIt’s not unheard of for patients to lose as much as 50% of their body weight within the first year following surgery.


checkPatients need to keep in mind though that in order for this weight loss to become permanent, they will need to commit to positive dietary and lifestyle changes.


checkDiet and exercise is critical in order to continue losing weight and keeping it off after a gastric bypass. These lifestyle changes ensure your success.


checkAt Weight Loss Riga, our experienced, friendly medical staff make you feel safe and comfortable. Contact us for questions about your procedure.