You might be wondering whether travelling after weight loss surgery is safe and how to go about it in a way that doesn't affect your post-surgery goals.Whether you’re travelling after weight loss surgery from a facility like Weight Loss Riga for business or for pleasure, it’s important to know how to minimise your risks and how to ensure that you preserve the results of your procedure.
Immediately after your surgery, you’ll need to take a little extra care if you’re going to be flying. Although it’s usually safe to travel by air relatively soon after your procedure, you’ll need to ensure that you take the right precautions during your flight.
In the long term, your greatest concern about travelling after weight loss surgery will probably be related to the change in lifestyle which travelling can bring, and the effect that this could have on your weight.
Here, we give you some expert tips to make sure that your post-surgery travel is safe, enjoyable and won’t have a negative impact on your weight loss.
Is It Safe To Fly After Having Weight Loss Surgery?
If you have travelled overseas from the UK for weight loss surgery,you will be able to travel within 48 hours of your surgery. At WeightLossRiga, our patients are discharged 48 hours after their procedure and while half of them choose to stay an extra night or two before flying home, the other half fly home right away.
If you have travelled to a long haul destination for your procedure to - for example - an Asian country, it’s safest to wait for at least 21 days before taking your flight home. This will minimise the chance of any complications after your surgery. Of course, if you have had any unexpected complications after your procedure which have delayed your recovery you may need to postpone your return flight a little longer.
Some airlines may have some specific guidelines about flying following any form of surgery, so you should always check before flying.
When Can I Take A Holiday After Weight Loss Surgery?
Many people are keen to take a holiday after their weight loss surgery to help them to relax and recuperate following the procedure. While this is a great idea, it’s important to wait for around 6 to 8 weeks before heading off on vacation. You should also make sure that your doctor has given you the green light to travel. This will ensure that you are as safe as possible when flying.
Getting Travel Insurance Coverage
One thing which many people who have had weight loss surgery don’t consider when travelling overseas is obtaining sufficient travel insurance coverage. Some policies won’t cover complications arising from your procedure while you’re travelling, so you’ll need to check the terms of your cover and make sure that your policy provider has been informed about your weight loss surgery to guarantee that you’ll have adequate medical insurance cover in the event of a problem while you’re away.
Make sure your policy states clearly that you’re fully covered for complications of your weight loss procedure on your travel insurance certificate. Also, as an extra precaution, make sure that you take your EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) with you if you’ll be travelling within Europe. This will entitle you to free or discounted treatment in public hospitals in the country which you’re visiting.
Considerations During Your Flight
After weight loss surgery, you’ll need to take a few extra precautions when flying. This will keep you safe and comfortable during your journey. Firstly, make sure that whenever possible you book a seat on the aisle or a seat which has lots of extra leg room. This will allow you to carry out some leg exercises during the flight, reducing the chance of developing a blood clot. This is particularly important on medium and long haul flights. Sitting still for too long on a flight can be dangerous for anyone but especially for anyone who has had any form of surgery. Therefore you should get up and walk around the cabin every so often to keep your blood circulating properly. Wearing compression stockings is always a good idea when flying after your weight loss procedure and is essential if you’re taking a long flight.
Another thing to consider while flying is your medication. If you are taking any kind of medication you need to ensure that you have sufficient with you to cover the entire length of your trip and that you’ve put it into your hand luggage. This will ensure that you can still have access to your meds even if your hold luggage gets lost or gets delayed for any reason. Always keep your medication in its original packaging too, and take a copy of your prescription. This will ensure there are no issues with the airport security teams. Also, should you require any more medication for any reason while you’re travelling, it can easily be identified by a pharmacist.
Eating On Your Flight
These days, many airlines don’t give you food as standard. This makes it a little easier when travelling after weight loss surgery by aeroplane. You will be able to take your own food on board, and this will allow you to travel while under a restrictive diet of water and liquid yoghurt in the immediate aftermath of your surgery.
Airlines are happy to accommodate the needs of travellers, so ask for a liquid yoghurt which will accommodate your dietary guidelines post-surgery.
Eating While You’re Away
Whether you’re travelling for business or pleasure following your recovery from weight loss surgery, it will have an impact on your daily routine. Any kind of disruption can have a negative effect on your diet, so it’s important to adhere to your regime – don’t allow your diet to slip just because you’re away from home.
One important element to consider is alcohol – it can be tempting to drink a lot more than usual when travelling, especially if you’re enjoying a relaxing holiday – however, only consume alcohol in small amounts. Don’t exceed about one unit daily (around half a large glass of wine or half a pint of beer).
If you aren’t sure whether you’ll be able to find healthy food while you’re away, you can take some with you. There are lots of low carb, high protein snacks which you can pop into your carry-on baggage or even take a cooler with some healthy items stashed away inside that you can enjoy during your trip to help keep you on track with your diet. Small coolers are easily transportable and will keep your foods fresh and cool for extended periods of time.
Try to choose a hotel which has an in-room fridge so that you can keep your healthy items cold during your stay. However, if yours doesn’t you still may be able to find an ice machine on the property which you can use to fill your sink to keep healthy food cool overnight. Some useful items to pack in your cooler include low-fat cheeses, low-fat yoghurts, cartons of skimmed milk, low-fat string cheese or lean chicken or turkey. With these items with you, you can still find something to eat even if the only options open to you elsewhere are junk food and unhealthy snacks.
Keep On Track With Your Nutrition Plan
One of the most important things when travelling after weight loss surgery is to carry on adhering to your recommended nutrition plan. Whether you’re using one of the latest downloadable food diary apps or just writing your own food journal, make sure to record everything you’re eating and drinking. Tracking your food and drink consumption helps you to stay on track while you’re travelling. You’ll be able to see clearly whether you’re getting the right balance of carbs, protein, fats and sugars each day.
Also, make sure you don’t skip meals while you’re away. Some people end up missing out on their breakfast while they’re travelling, but don’t be tempted to do this. You’re going to need plenty of protein in the morning to keep you going through the day. Even if you’re in a hurry or if you’re travelling during the early morning, make sure you take something to eat with you. Not only will this ensure you have the energy to see you through, it also helps you to avoid snacking on unhealthy fast foods.
Dining Out
When dining out, either at your hotel accommodation or at a restaurant in your destination, take care to choose healthy options. This is often easier if you’re at a buffet since you can select only the items that you can have on your diet, but don’t be afraid to customise a meal if you’re in a restaurant.
Choose lean protein, whole grains, fresh vegetables and fruit whenever possible. If you can, it’s always helpful to try to get hold of the menu for any restaurant which you’ll be visiting during your trip before you actually go there to eat. This will give you enough time to peruse all the different options and choose the right meal for you. You could also call ahead to ask any questions about meal preparation and if they’re able to accommodate your nutritional requirements. Don’t be afraid to talk to your server during your meal and ask any questions you’ve got about sugar or fat content in different menu items. You can always ask for meat like chicken to be served plain so you won’t have to worry about hidden ingredients or fattening sauces.
Catering For Yourself
It’s often easier, if you can, to choose self-catering accommodation when travelling after weight loss surgery as this gives you the complete freedom to stick to your diet without any restrictions. Find out ahead of time where the local groceries stores or supermarkets are located so that you can head straight out there once you arrive to buy your healthy supplies. Just because you’re away from home doesn’t mean that there’s any excuse to go off plan, so maintain a healthy diet at all times during your break.
Don’t Forget Your Supplements
Don’t forget to take your post-surgery supplements with you when you’re travelling after your procedure. You’ll be prescribed some supplements by your surgeon which will ensure your body gets all the nutrients it needs, and you will probably need to take these for a long time after your surgery. Remember to pack them into your hand baggage so you won’t lose them in-flight.
Get Some Exercise
Just because you’re away from home doesn’t mean you can skimp on your exercise regime. Finding ways to get some exercises while travelling can be a challenge but needn’t be impossible. If you’re staying in a hotel see if you can choose one that has an onsite gym, fitness centre or even a swimming pool so you can keep up your regime. Even if there isn’t any kind of onsite facility at your chosen accommodation you could still go out for a run or brisk walk around the local area (assuming that it’s safe). Depending on where you’re visiting, you may be able to get outdoors to try some physical activities such as biking, kayaking or hiking which will help you to stay fit and healthy.
Enjoying Travelling After Weight Loss Surgery
Although the idea of travelling after your weight loss surgery may be worrying, rest assured that it needn’t be difficult and, in fact, can be just as much fun as before your procedure as long as you take the right approach and are well prepared in advance. By planning for your travels, you can be sure that you’ll make the most of the experience and that your trip will run completely smoothly without impacting negatively on your weight or your nutrition.
If you have any questions about travelling after weight loss surgery, call your doctor and ask for their advice. It’s certainly possible to have a safe journey and a trouble free break even if you’ve had a weight loss procedure, the key to success is simply to make sure that your regime and diet don’t get interrupted by your travel plans. Enjoy your trip!
Thankfully, here at Weight Loss Riga we are prepared and eager to help you have the best possible surgical experience and we keep you informed about what steps you need to take to make the most of your post-weight loss surgery experience!
If you’re from the UK and considering getting weight loss surgery, please consider Weight Loss Riga. Here at Weight Loss Riga, we promise to be there every step of the way on the path to getting your life back! Visit our homepage today in order to see more of what our facility promises and to schedule a consultation with our patient coordinator, Mim Dickens.