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If you’re considering surgery for weight loss or even contemplating weight loss surgery abroad, it’s essential to understand the pros and coons of each type of procedure before making a potentially life-changing decision. These days, gastric sleeve surgery is considered a safe and effective weight loss intervention, but there are always pros and cons to any form of surgery. So what are the pros and cons of gastric sleeve surgery? Let’s take a look:
The pros of gastric sleeve surgery
The stomach still functions normally
When you’re weighing up the pros and cons of gastric sleeve surgery, one of the biggest pros to consider is the fact that your stomach will function exactly as it did before. Gastric sleeve surgery simply reconstructs the stomach into a smaller pouch, so although appetite is greatly reduced, you’ll still be able to enjoy “normal” foods once you’ve healed from the procedure — albeit in much-reduced portion sizes.
The intestine remains fully intact
Unlike a gastric bypass, your intestine also remains fully intact after a gastric sleeve operation. That means there’s no risk of intestinal blockages or the worry of vitamin and mineral deficiencies due to reduced absorption.
The gastric sleeve can be converted into a bypass
Although undergoing a second surgery is never a pleasant thought, it’s good to know that your gastric sleeve can be converted into a bypass if things don’t go according to plan. If you opt for a bypass from the outset, the reverse isn’t true.
Appetite decreases
The upper portion of a person’s stomach produces a hormone called ghrelin, which regulates feelings of hunger. As this stomach section is removed during a gastric sleeve operation, you’ll feel satiated from the smallest of meals and rarely feel intense hunger pangs. This can make weight loss much more tolerable.
You won’t need adjustments
Gastric band surgeries work in a similar way to a gastric sleeve, but because they don’t require a silicon band to be installed, they’ll never need to be adjusted and don’t pose risks from slippage or obstructions.
The cons of gastric sleeve surgery
The procedure isn’t reversible
Unlike a gastric band, gastric sleeve surgery removes (sections off) a part of the stomach, rather than simply restricting it. That means your stomach will be permanently altered, which will limit the volume of food you can ingest for the rest of your life.
Weight loss isn’t as extreme as other options
Because a gastric sleeve isn’t as invasive as other forms of weight loss surgery and leaves most of your digestive tract intact, weight loss isn’t as extreme, and you’ll still be able to eat most regular foods once you’ve recovered from surgery.
Leaks and complications could arise
Gastric sleeve surgery uses stales to section off a smaller stomach pouch. While surgeries of this nature are now very safe and effective, it’s worth bearing in mind that leks and other complications could arise in the future.
Pros and cons of gastric sleeve surgery — In conclusion
There are plenty of pros and cons to having gastric sleeve surgery. Overall, the procedure has been perfected to the point that it’s now extremely safe and effective. However, it’s important to remember that the operation is permanent and might not yield the rapid results of other forms of surgery.