Photo by Alexander Mils from Pexels.com
Why have a diet before weight loss surgery? Isn’t this surgery there to help you if diets have failed? With the internet full of rather controversial information, please read on:
Considering? Contact professionals
Weight loss surgery in Latvia is a growing trend over the past decade. Our own hospital in Riga offers professional counselling, no ties attached, so if you are wondering about anything weight loss surgery-related, please do not hesitate to contact us and ask. We will happily explain all the nuts and bolts of not just the pre-surgery diet, but also everything else you wish to know about.
Choose the country, choose the clinic
If you are weighing options about taking up weight loss surgery abroad, we recommend you consider having your weight loss surgery in Europe – it will be more affordable, with several countries offering lower prices for these operations, and the journey “there and back again” will be smooth and swift, unlike one Bilbo Baggins had it.
And to not wag our tail… Let’s wag it, we have every right to do so, judging by the reviews and recommendations left by hundreds of happy people who have had their surgery in Riga in our clinic.
Riga is highly accessible by plane, also by bus and even by train, Latvia is a Baltic & European country, there won’t be any cultural shocks (let’s leave heavy tourist-ing for the time you have recovered from your surgery and enjoying life to its fullest!).
Listen to the professionals
Do not begin a diet before weight loss surgery just by reading materials on the web. No, not even this article. You are more than welcome to do your research and we encourage you to do just that, but when it comes to the actual thing, your chosen clinic will give you exact professional advice on what and how much to consume, when to switch to a full liquid diet and anything else you should know
But still, why before?
These are the three main reasons why going on a strict diet before weight loss surgery is a must-have:
- It will decrease the size of your liver. Fatty liver is something that comes with weight issues, and it can hinder the surgery. The smaller your liver, the easier your weight loss operation will be because the liver will not be in the way. Literally. Too much fatty tissue and the surgeon may have to opt for open surgery instead of the tiny-holes laparoscopic one.
- Same for the fat tissue in your abdominal area. Any weight you can lose – and the liquid diet will help with it – will make the surgery easier.
- It will help to prepare your body and mind for the changes post-surgery. Your body will need a lot less food than it is used to – and no, we are not talking about some huge amounts of food – in the future, you will be consuming a lot less than a “normal” person. So, while you are doing a favour to yourself and your surgeon, you are also testing how you can cope with such a change. PS. It will get easier!
To learn more, please don’t hesitate to contact and ask!