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How long does a gastric bypass surgery last and what are its possible complications
Photo by Piron Guillaume on Unsplash
In this article, we seek to briefly answer questions such as how long does a gastric bypass surgery last , what are the main complications, but also, what are the options of having a gastric bypass and where.
Gastric bypass – before and after
A few points of what happens before surgery:
Discuss everything with your Patient Coordinator.
A wide variety of medical tests to provide the surgeon with the most complete picture possible of the patient.
2 weeks of liquid diet before surgery to shrink the liver and lose some excess body weight
And what happens after:
You incorporate exercise into your daily routine.
You take the prescribed supplemental vitamins and minerals and avoid things like fatty foods and sweets.
You will lose 50-60% of excess body weight within the first year post-surgery.
How long does a gastric bypass surgery last?
In most cases, the procedure can be completed in around 1.5-2 hours. Sometimes a bit longer depending on the patient. The total time spent in the operating room however will likely be longer simply because of the prep work involved.
Main complications which may occur
While the odds of these occurring are slim, it is still wise to know.
There is a less than 1% chance that a patient may experience pulmonary embolism.
In a small number of cases, there may be leakage of fluid into the abdominal cavity with infection being a common result. Antibiotics are often effective in alleviating symptoms although if the leakage is significant it may have to be addressed surgically.
In a small percentage of cases, ulcers will form on the anastomosis of the intestine. In most cases, the condition can be effectively treated with dietary adjustments or medication.
How to get a gastric bypass surgery?
The options for getting a gastric bypass are:
On NHS – First, you must pass the preliminary and secondary process of qualification, which usually takes at least half a year. If deemed suitable by the bariatric team, only then will you be added to the surgery waiting list. The wait is unpredictably long, though, and not many people manage to pass the entire process.
In private clinics in the UK. However, the prices fall between £9500-15 000, which makes this option unavailable to many people in need of surgery.
Travel abroad. With Turkey still being the nr.1, more and more people are going for gastric bypass in Europe. The waiting times are a few months, the quality the same as in the UK, if not higher, and the prices in several countries 2-3 times lower.
For example, mini gastric bypass surgery prices abroad start at £4980 in Weight Loss Riga, Latvia, and £5300 in Estonia, while in the UK, it falls into the range between £9,500 to £14,000.
So, now you not only know how long a gastric bypass last but should also be more aware of the different options for having one. Any further questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us!
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