If you’re planning gastric bypass surgery, you’re going to want to know what life is going to be like afterwards. It’s a major procedure, so you want to be certain that your life is going to change for the better afterwards. The good news is that there are many life improvements after gastric bypass surgery, and you can be confident that you will have a better life, both mentally and physically once your surgery is complete.
The Immediate Period After Surgery
Straight after your surgery at a facility like Weight Loss Riga, you may find it difficult to think there’ll be any life improvements after gastric bypass surgery! You’ll probably experience some discomfort and you’ll need to take some time off work to recover. You’ll also need to rest for a few weeks, and reduce the amount of activity you do until your doctor gives you the go-ahead to return to your former activity levels. It goes without saying, of course, that your diet will also undergo some significant changes. All in all, it can be a challenging period of adjustment in the immediate aftermath of your surgery. The good news, however, is that after just a few weeks you’ll be fully recovered and then you’ll be ready to get on with your life.
The Greatest Benefit Of All – The Weight Loss
Of course, weight loss was the goal of your surgery and this is, therefore, the greatest benefit of the procedure. While the amount of weight lost as a result of surgery will vary between individuals, you could lose as much as 90% of your excess body weight. After around 12-18 months, you should reach the lowest point of your weight loss, although you will lose weight speedily after your procedure. This amount of weight loss will make an enormous difference in your life, both mentally and physically.
The Mental Health Benefits
Many people who are obese struggle with their mental health. Poor self-esteem and low self-confidence is a common problem. Some overweight people struggle with anxiety or depression, finding it difficult to cope with everyday activities. Losing weight can help raise self-esteem and make patients feel better able to handle their daily lives. When you feel better about yourself, you can develop a more positive attitude to life and overcome some of the depression and anxiety that has plagued your life.
The Physical Benefits
Losing weight brings with it a host of physical benefits. A number of health conditions related to obesity can be improved or even cured by shedding such a large amount of weight. There are around 15 medical problems which can be alleviated due to weight loss. These include:
- Hypertension
- Sleep apnoea
- Diabetes
- Heart disease
- Fatty liver disease
- Asthma
- Joint pain
- Hyperlipidemia
- Gastric reflux
Weight loss surgery isn’t just one of the best ways to improve these conditions, in some cases, it is said to be the only way to cure them.
A Longer Lifespan
There have been a number of studies carried out into the lifespan of people who were affected by obesity who then underwent bariatric surgery. The results showed that those individuals had a lower chance of dying at a younger age than obese people who don’t have surgery. One study found that mortality was reduced by 89% more across a five-year period for patients who had undergone bariatric surgery if compared to people who had not. Further studies showed that deaths associated with Type II Diabetes were reduced by more than 90% in bariatric patients when compared to non-bariatric patients and deaths from heart disease were reduced by more than half.
Better Fertility
If you’ve been trying to get pregnant and having no success before your weight loss procedure, you may discover that you manage to achieve your goal after losing weight. Bariatric surgery has been shown to boost fertility by improving conditions like PCOS. Also, pregnancy following weight loss surgery is much safer than pregnancy while obese, and both mother and baby have better outcomes overall. Although there are a few things which you’ll have to manage differently during your pregnancy once you’ve had weight loss surgery, however, a greater chance of being able to start a family or have more children is one of the best life improvements after gastric bypass surgery that you can enjoy.
Improved Relationships And Working Life
If you’re able to lose a lot of weight thanks to gastric bypass surgery, you are likely to see improved personal relationships. Many people find that their sex life improves greatly following their procedure. This may not be due to a physiological change, but down to the change in the way that they feel about the way that they look and the boost in self-confidence they receive from shedding the pounds.
It is also sad but often true that people who are obese face a lot of prejudice in their interactions with other people. Whether in personal, working or social interactions, those who are very overweight often find that they are discriminated against or even ridiculed and bullied. Losing a lot of weight thanks to a gastric bypass can relieve this problem so that you can enjoy a more fulfilling social and working life. When this is added to the improved mobility that you will enjoy after losing weight, there is a good chance that you may have more job opportunities open to you than ever before. You may now be eligible to apply for posts that you would have been excluded from before, and have a better chance of succeeding in interviews due to your improved self-confidence. This, in turn, will improve your finances and make your life more enjoyable in every respect.
Saved Money
After gastric bypass surgery at a facility like the one at WeightLossRiga, you’ll find that one of the surprising positive effects is that you will probably save money. Not only will you need to spend less on food every week but you’ll also possibly spend less money on clothing. Plus size clothes are often considerably more costly than regular ranges and you’ll have a lot more choice. If you have been used to having to reserve two seats on aeroplanes or trains because of your size you’ll be able to make significant savings when travelling by only having to book one in the future.
A Better Quality Of Life
Not only will your lifespan and health improve after your gastric bypass, but your weight loss procedure will also improve your quality of life overall. Some measures which are affected positively by your bariatric surgery include:
- Better mobility
- Higher self-esteem
- Improved social interactions
- Better sexual function
- Improved mental and emotional health
- Greater chances of employment
- Improved relationships
- Higher energy
- Greater confidence and self-esteem
Maintaining The Benefits
As you can see, there are many life improvements after gastric bypass surgery to look forward to, however, it’s important to be aware that you still need to work hard to maintain those benefits. Developing long-term habits which will enable you to maintain those health and weight goals is essential such as adhering to a healthy diet and partaking in plenty of exercise. This is something which you’ll need to commit to maintaining for the rest of your life if you want to avoid gaining weight in the future. If you don’t stick to your new regime, you could end up putting on weight again, and this may well cause your former medical problems to return, not to mention your former mental health problems.
Are There Any Challenges After Gastric Bypass Surgery?
Although there are numerous benefits to having gastric bypass surgery, it’s important to have realistic expectations from the very beginning. Yes, you will lose weight and improve your health and lifespan. However, there are still some challenges that you’ll face, some of which may be unexpected and unwelcome. It may not always be plain sailing. There are several issues which you may find that you experience after your procedure:
- It’s a lot of work – your gastric bypass surgery can’t replace exercise and dieting. It only works fully alongside a regular exercise regime and good eating habits. You’ll have to be prepared to measure the types and quantities of food you’re eating every day to ensure you’re getting the right nutritional and dietary intake. You’ll also have to commit to a regular work out regime to stay fit, slim and healthy. This is quite a large commitment, and for some people it’s a lot more hard work than they anticipated.
- Your social life may change – some of the activities which you used to enjoy before you had surgery may now no longer be open to you. For example, if you used to regularly go out to eat in restaurants with your friends you’ll have to find different ways of socialising which don’t revolve around food.
- You may lose some relationships – although many of your relationships and personal interactions will improve after your gastric bypass surgery due to your improved confidence and self-esteem, some may fall by the wayside. Some of this may be due to the fact that your social life has to change and this may make it difficult for you to go out and socialise with your old friends. Some people even have friends who are jealous of their weight loss and who no longer want to be friends with them. In such cases, it’s best to move on and to find a new social circle with a group of new friends who have healthier behaviour patterns.
- You may be emotionally disappointed – some people expect gastric bypass surgery to resolve their emotional or social problems and to improve their life overall. As we’ve already demonstrated above, there are many life improvements after gastric bypass surgery. However, if you had emotional issues which were causing you to overeat for comfort before your procedure, your gastric bypass won’t have resolved those issues. They must be addressed separately.
- You can have excess skin – another unexpected challenge faced by gastric bypass patients is the excess skin which often occurs after losing large amounts of weight. For people who were hoping to like their appearance in the mirror after their surgery, it can be disappointing or even upsetting to see loose skin spoiling their slim new physique. Luckily, there are solutions to this including exercise and, in some cases, surgeries like medial thigh lifts, brachioplasties and full body lifts - all of which can be performed at Cosmetic Surgery Riga.
The Life Improvements After Gastric Bypass Surgery Make It Worth It
Every type of surgery comes with its own benefits and risks to bear in mind. For most patients who are committed to long term maintenance, having a gastric bypass is well worth the sacrifices which may need to be made. Beyond weight loss, the many life improvements after gastric bypass surgery make the whole experience worth it for the people who receive this surgery. Bariatric surgery has been proven to be a highly effective way to lose significant amounts of weight and also of reducing a number of obesity-related conditions like heart disease, sleep apnoea and type II diabetes.
It has been demonstrated in studies that weight loss surgery results in weight loss success in the long term. Over 90% of people who have been severely obese and then had bariatric surgery successfully maintain 50% or more of their weight loss after their treatment. As long as you have realistic expectations of what life is going to be like after your surgery, you should be well prepared for the reality. Make sure that you take the time to research the gastric bypass procedure before your operation so that you can be completely confident that you’re making a well-informed decision.
Even though there are a few challenges to face once you’ve had your procedure, you’ll find that you’ll look and feel healthier, will suffer from fewer health complaints, enjoy a longer lifespan and have more positive relationships and social interactions. The benefits of gastric bypass surgery can even extend to your bank account, helping you to be financially better off and to enjoy a much better quality of life overall. The confidence boost that you’ll enjoy after your weight loss surgery can turn your life around and give you the future that you’ve always hoped for.
Thankfully, here at Weight Loss Riga we are prepared and eager to help you have the best possible surgical experience! If you’re from the UK and considering getting weight loss surgery, please consider Weight Loss Riga.
Here at Weight Loss Riga, we promise to be there every step of the way on the path to getting your life back so that you can experience these wonderful benefits to life after weight loss surgery! Visit our homepage today for a look at our services and for a chance to schedule a consultation with our patient coordinator, Mim Dickens.